CVC Associated Programs
Your Colonial Virginia Council has several special programs/organizations that support your scouting programs. Hover over the "Program" tab at the top of the page to see the drop down menu and go to their respective pages:
Wahunsenakah Lodge 333--CVC's Order of the Arrow Lodge of scouts and scouters that are honor campers
Wood Badge Association--For all Woodbadgers and Ticket workers who endeavor to support Council training opportunities to include Wood Badge and NYLT
Venturing Officers Association--For members and leaders of all Venturing Crews, Sea Scout Ships, and Exploring Posts who are interested in enhancing the senior scout experience in your Colonial Virginia Council
Busy Beavers--A group of dedicated scouters focused on camp facility improvements and maintenance
Wahunsenakah Lodge 333--CVC's Order of the Arrow Lodge of scouts and scouters that are honor campers
Wood Badge Association--For all Woodbadgers and Ticket workers who endeavor to support Council training opportunities to include Wood Badge and NYLT
Venturing Officers Association--For members and leaders of all Venturing Crews, Sea Scout Ships, and Exploring Posts who are interested in enhancing the senior scout experience in your Colonial Virginia Council
Busy Beavers--A group of dedicated scouters focused on camp facility improvements and maintenance