Join our day camps for the adventure
You can participate in all three camps if you desire.
Activities include:
Activities include:
- BB Guns
- Archery
- Wrist Rockets
- Crafts
- & more
2024 Early-Bird Registration Fee: $100
Deadline for early-bird special is April 1st
**Online Registration includes a 6% convenience fee
Deadline for early-bird special is April 1st
**Online Registration includes a 6% convenience fee
Monitor Merrimac's online registration link:
Historic Triangle's online registration link:
Old dominion's Online registration link:
register at the scout office
Complete the form below and submit to the Scout Store.
When selecting RANK in your registration, you should use the grade that the youth will be entering for the 2024-2025 school year.
Tiger (entering 1st grade)
Wolf (entering 2nd grade)
Bear (entering 3rd grade)
Webelos (entering the 4th grade)
Arrow of Light (entering 5th grade)
What Should I Bring to Camp?
Personal gear in a daypack
Sweater or jacket
Swim Wear and Towel on assigned days
Rain gear
Refillable Water Bottle
Bug Repellent
Cub Scout Day Camp is a Valuable Activity for Many Reasons
Helps packs succeed.
Strengthens the den/pack organization for better year-round operation.
Provides continuation of the Cub Scout program during the summer and the opportunity for units to earn the National Summertime Pack Award, Outdoor Activity Award, and to work toward qualifying for the Journey to Excellence.
Offers character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
Meets individual needs and interests by offering a meaningful and educational Scouting program.
Helps to recruit new Scouts in the den and pack during the summer.
Provides a method of recruiting, training and inspiring present and future Cub Scout leadership.
Promotes fun and adventure with a purpose.
Please note: every person (Youth or Adult) attending Cub Scout Day Camp MUST turn in a Health Medical Form upon arrival at camp. See attached link: Medical Form AB